Hey everybody :)
So... the deets of last night. I can't express enough of how much I enjoyed the concert I just went to last night! I never did mention it I don't think, but I actually got to see WYNONNA JUDD LIVE! :D How cool is that?!
And I must say that she was extremely... just... WOW. She was so amazing to see live.
Now I'm going to jump back a bit so I can explain an amazing point about her. :) So, a while back mom showed me this video of her singing at one of her concerts and she actually said: "You know... I'm just gonna say it because, its my show, and I'll do what I want." And everybody cheered for her, and then the next thing that came out of her mouth. "So, recently I've been going through some hard things. And I've just come to know my savior, Jesus Christ." That was so cool hearing that come out of her mouth, (note: not at the concert I went to), and I was happy to hear that she seemed to be saved. Especially after she sang "I Can Only Imagine" and tears were streaming down her face as she smiled and sang the lyrics.
And if you're with me here, you all know that 99% of musical artists, actors, everybody in Hollywood, that if they say they're Christian they're usually fibbing. I may be judging, but honestly if you're truly a Christian you need to show it through your actions. (Ex: Don't do drugs, have sex before marriage, etc. Which many young people in Hollywood musical stuff do)
I don't really follow Wynonna in her career, but as far as I know she's doing her best to mend things with her mom Naomi Judd, and making a better life for herself period.
And sooo... I come to my point. :) At the concert I went to, she actually sang "I Can Only Imagine" at the concert. I was all "OMIGOSH! She's not lying!!! SHE'S ACTUALLY SAVED!!" She got that same look on her face she had in the video I saw, she wasn't crying, but close to it.
And before she sang it she told her audience; "So as you listen to this, just let this wash over you," And then her beautiful amazing fantabulous voice sang out to the crowd.
But um... unfortunately my county I live in is kind of anti-religion-go-with-the-flow. :-/ Not everybody, but a lot of the population is like that. Everyone was absolutely dead silent when she sang that song, compared to the songs before that people were clapping in the middle of her singing, so everyone during that song was dead silent. I felt kind bad for Wynonna, but I'm hoping she heard mom say "Hallelujah!" before everyone started clapping. I was tempted to raise my hands semi-high without bothering people by blocking the view, but I didn't, that's why I hate my shyness sometimes and I don't push it out of the way and just do what I want to do.
She is so amazingly talented though, and she honestly inspired me more than any other artist has. I'm inspired by how she's just pushing herself through the difficulties in her life and coming out a stronger and amazing woman.
So a couple cute and favorable moments and highlights of the show...
One guy during almost all the way through till about half, kept shouting things like "YEAH!" and "WOOHOO!!"
I don't exactly remember what he said that made Wynonna say "Your a guy..." and something about him not knowing squat about being a woman and the things we have to deal with. He ended up saying "REDHEADS ARE HOT!" At one point and she laughed and called him up on stage to get a picture with her lol. It was so funny.
And trust me when I say that he wasn't exactly level-headed or coherant as he could be. ;) I think he may have been high, just a little bit. He had classic long hair, and a bandana, and khaki pants. And a big bulge in his pocket on his leg. Wynonna fingered it and asked what it was, and everyone said "don't ask!" She figured it out pretty quickly. And then she asked his girlfriend if she made the guy come to her concert, and if he even knew who she was lol. She's great!
Another thing is she was saying something sad, and a guy in the audience (not the same guy) said "You need a hug!" And she actually bent over the stage and let him give her a hug, it was so cute and she was grinning ear to ear after that! She even said "That really just made my day." lol.
It was so sweet. :)
Another funny moment is when she mentioned her 15-year-old daughter Grace, and a woman in the audience said "I'm so sorry." Wynonna nodded and said; "Paybacks are hell," everyone laughed and she just smiled. In case you didn't know, Wynonna was kind of a pain-in-the-butt when she was a teenager lol.
Well really all her life, but she's always been getting under people's skin because of the way she is lol. I love her though, she's completely free-spirited and I can tell the difference between her and other musical artists. She's got a distinctive personality and shine to her songs, and she's not afraid to say things that she wants to say.
I just gotta say :) She was really amazing to see, and I'm really happy I got to go see her live. I'll have to see her again, and maybe if I'm lucky I'll meet her in person someday! *crosses fingers*