Friday, May 7, 2010

My Secret Life: Great ride =)

Well, I had a pretty good ride today. =)

I got my school done, and I'm completely ready for an awesome weekend. =D Tomorrow is my last day as being a thirteen year old girl! =(
I'll be fourteen on May 9, 2010 at 3:00 am PT... exactly. =)
Its SCARY!!!!!!!
I'll be in High school come August!! O_O How did this happen? I thought I was still 10 last week... lol. ;)
I'm happy to get that much closer to getting out of this hormonal express I'm on. =) But I am trying to enjoy every single moment I have as a kid... I know I'm going to miss it when I'm twenty something years old with kids maybe or something.
I figured that out when I was around twelve I think... gosh that seems like such a short time ago... ^_^
I remember the feeling I had when I was twelve and thinking how awkward it felt, I wanted not to be twelve anymore SO badly!
Now I'm a young woman though unfortunately. =P Haha.
It was great while it lasted though =) With age comes privileges and responsibility... I get to do more things as I get older which is very nice.
Anyways, enough of that mushy stuff... lol I'll probably post something tomorrow maybe if I remember. That'll be my last day being thirteen.
HBR was awesome today! =D I had a great time! I'm so glad I didn't screw up really... well I kind of made the stirrups to short but thats not really something bad... I've never ridden Dillon before so thats why.
Its hard to explain.
But it was really fun =) I got to ride Dillon for a bit, but then Corrie made us do this fun little game of switching horses lol.
She says it'll be even MORE fun once we do it trotting and cantering ahaha!
It was difficult because my legs were burning from trotting with out stirrups lol.
English is HARD! But everything is SO worth it, just spending time with the horse and everything its just all so amazing =) Especially when you get to ride...
Even if its not cantering; which I would highly prefer over trotting to be honest.
It was a lot of fun fur shizzle though. =D I know I'll probably never get a horse while I'm a kid, but hey miracles can happen, so my dad and I were talking about Redwood Acres and how it boards horses.
He asked me if I knew how much they charged for that, I said no so he was talking about how I could ride my bike up to Redwood Acres and feed, brush, and ride my horse IF I had one.
But first I've gotta get a horse, a halter, a bridle, brushes (maybe), a saddle, food... and the money of course to board it...
So yeah, horsies are expensive creatures haha.
But hey, a girl can dream. ;)
Someday I swear I will own one, or the next best thing just exercise a horse for someone... like I've said so many times before to my friends and family: I am diagnosed with 100% pure horse craziness. ;D lol
My mom is always saying that I'll have to marry a cowboy if I ever want to own a horse or two. Which in some cases yeah thats definitely true, look at my grandma; shes horse crazy and she married someone who tolerates horses. Key word there...
Well, thanks if anyone read this. =)
Have a blessed weekend!

-Jazz <3

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