Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Secret Life: moved into new house and a little sad

Well, I'm moved into the new house. That was fast huh?
I wasn't exactly here for the actual move though, I was on a trip with my youth group to Ruth Lake. Mom and dad moved everything into the house on Saturday... and yeah a lot of things happened since the last time I wrote.
One; the move. And then my bro Dyllan broke a tiny bit of his foot kicking something at Karate. And then I went on a youth trip thing which was very fun. :) 
But, right now... I'm dizzy. Why? I have vertigo. The suckiest thing I could get on HBR day... I can't exactly stay on the horse very well while I'm dizzy, huh? 
So yeah... I'm a little irritated and upset right now. I'm trying to keep my happiness, but its hard. I'm still dizzy right now, and I've been dizzy since I woke up this morning.
But thankfully its not as bad as some cases I've had.
Mom says its because I'm not going to bed on time, which is probably true. I suppose I could have a low immune system right now, I was stressed last night and I went to bed at almost 11. And then I didn't go to bed until midnight 1 o'clock all weekend while I was on the trip, what did you expect? It was a vacation.
And I couldn't go to bed at 9 I'd miss all the fun. 
So yeah, I'm a little irritated and sad. Especially because I didn't get to ride last week because of a freaking stomach ache! >:(
I just wish I wouldn't get sick every week like this!! I probably won't even have horseback next month... :( Well, depending on what happens to dad's pay, it pretty much revolves around that. But I might be able to have at least August for riding, I have $52 saved, if anything I want to spend that on horseback. That's more important to me than anything that I could buy in a store.
I might have 2 classes next week... I hope... I'm probably going to be a completely grump this weekend because of this. I miss riding more than I could say with words right now... now just imagine what would happen if I couldn't ride anymore for months...


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