Another apology is in order for forgetting to write anything yesterday. But hey... this'll happen a lot until I get used to this haha.
Anyway, I decided to make this a short post about plotting.
There are two kinds of writers when it comes to plotting: Pantsers, and Plotters.
Plotters: These authors plot everything down to the very detail of every word before they write very much.
Pantsers: These authors fly by the seat of their pants when they write their stories. No direct plotting in any sense.
I consider myself somewhere between the two. I tend to really only plot any book chapter by chapter, as for the rest of it, I keep the rest of the book in my head. Just the general outline of it.
No matter the type of writer though, I always recommend plotting to a little extent. The least would be taking notes and jotting down your ideas. ( Most authors do that anyways though ha-ha )
The way I roll when I plot out each chapter in any given book I'm writing is to write it out scene by scene. Many months ago I started out with yellow notepads and wrote it all down on there, but now I use a free writing program called yWriter which was brought to my attention via the blog Go Teen Writers.
Sometimes I find that what I plot down doesn't always fit into one chapter, but this is the way I write because I write almost to much sometimes, and if you find that something does not fit into the chapter at all story-wise you can just skip the part you wrote down and continue on happily writing.
Before you start plotting it out though, I recommend getting everything straightened out so you know the general line you want to go before you start plotting it.
I find that it makes it a lot easier in the long run when you actually start writing the scenes to plot it out. The great thing is that you never have to be bogged down by anything you write in your plotting notebook (or yWriter). I'm always adding or deleting things I write down, and I believe that it'll pay off when I start the second draft of some of my more recent books.
I already have to deal with the monster book I want to publish someday, and that was long before I found out about the many great tips of writing.
I hope you found this post helpful in any way, not one of my best posts but oh well!
I say plotting out - at least - chapter by chapter helps you keep your story in a straighter arrow towards writing THE END.
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