Lots of fun today :-) School actually went pretty good, I still haven't done my OYAN school yet but I'll get to it eventually.
Today I finally got to go to drama class again! :-D It was so much fun! Every week is always a blessing and so much fun being around all of them, even though its really loud and crazy its a lot of fun... even though its kind of embarrassing doing one particular scene with my classmate Troy.
ITs nothing innappropriate or to embarrassing but its just this short scene, and its kind of weird... and hard to explain...
But acting overall is very fun, I wish I had a more dramatic part because I think I'm better at that. My part is still good though... I don't know if I could do Harry though. My friend Wes has that part; Harry is this really loud ex-navy guy.
Wes does an AWESOME job playing him though, I think he fits perfectly for that part.
Unfortnately this drama class won't be around anymore come next week :( The performence is next week, which I am honestly REALLY looking forward too. It should be totally awesome! :-D
I hope I can get some pictures of me and my co-stars, it should be a lot of fun. And hopefully they'll all be copartive and let me take pictures too lol.
I think I honestly want to pursue acting in the future, just for the fun of it. Its a lot of fun because we get to be goofy all week, even though sometimes my classmates really don't seem to like doing it sometimes because it's "boring". But most of my class loves being there, or at least that's how they show it...
ANYWHO, I gotta go and do OYAN. I'm really looking forward to the next week :-) I'm gonna go see "Leap Year" with my friend Abby which should be very fun, since we're doing a slumber party the night before. I hope we'll have fun...
Well TA TA for now!
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