Wow oh wow did I have a hectic night... I missed half the action but I stayed up till 5AM and then woke up around 9 this morning. Boy am I tired...
Sorry I haven't written in a while, been busy...
Anyway, last night I went and did a sleepover with my youth group :) That was fun, I was zonked out for at least 3 hours after 5AM though... you know I REALLY don't remember when the heck I fell asleep... lol
I think I just rolled over and literally fell asleep.
We all stayed up late and partied, the meanie boys pranked us though >:P IT was FREAKY! They cut the power and it was so weird, we all screamed a little at first and got all worried.
Then Mistea got 'em back >:) She pretended that there was someone in the backyard after they left, they got all freaked lolz!
Then Abby burst out laughing when she was talking to Carlos on the phone and giggled; "I'm sorry I'm just kidding, its all a big joke..." Lol X)
We were gonna go a little further with that prank and get them to come over here, but that would have gotten us in trouble big time... but the big prank that we came up with that we didn't do was:
We tell Carlos and the boys to come over here and we all go outside and mess up the room like someone came in and leave the door open like someone REALLY did come inside the room. That would have been SO funny!
But we would have gotten in SO much trouble if we did that, oh well... it was fun...:)
We watched movies all night, I was probably the first one to fall asleep I think... erm... no Malia was first haha. And then it was Jen, and then me... everyone else literally stayed up all night.
Caprice is still up with no sleep for the past 24 hours and she was running around with Mistea shooting her with Nerf gun darts lol!
So yeah, it was pretty fun. :-D
I had a pretty good Friday, I'm definitely going to plan a slumber party for my 14th birthday. >:) Just a few friends, probably not that many but it would be fun. Really exhausting but oh well lol.
I gotta plan something later, but if I go to the Winter Campout for youth group that'll do it but whatevs... :) Unfortunately I can't go to youth group this week though >:P Frustrating...*grumbles*
Maybe I can convince my mom to let me go haha.
Well, hmm... oh yeah! I said I was gonna post a plot for a book on here didn't I?! :-D Well here ya go, its not much... kind a confusing but its a start:
"Dear Diary,"
Gracelyn Mariah Stryder; a 15 year old sophomore and the only daughter in a long line of ranchers…
Living with both her parents and 3 brothers it’s quite a full house, but ahappy house in the suburbs of Jackson Tennessee on a thousand acre horse ranch. She attends the local High school and enjoys hanging out with her BFF Luna.
Gracelyn is normally known by her friends and family, as just Gracie.
Gracie really enjoys her riding time with her best friend, loyal companion, and horse; Mariah, named after Gracie by her parents because she has almost the same personality as Gracie. Rebellious, wild, fun, and hard working…
Those 5 words describe Gracie and Mariah in one sentence.Mariah is a dark cherry chestnut 10 year old Thoroughbred mare brought to the Stryder ranch as a rescue from the slaughter house, she bit her last owner causing her a trip to the slaughter house, she was traumatized and in poor living conditions. But with a little TLC and one on one love straight from Gracie, Mariah became one of the family and Gracie’s personal BFF and loyal companion.
All through Gracie’s life she has seen many beautiful horses brought to the ranch either abused to the point that they were aggressive, or so weak that they could barely walk.
But all of the horses they’ve rescued and trained have become beautiful gentle creatures, you could hardly believe that they were abused and neglected before.
Many horses were sold to other families, but one rescue always stayed on the Stryder ranch along with a few others; Mariah.
Gracie and that horse had something special, even though her parents didn’t think that she was spending time with this gorgeous horse, when they tried to sell her to a man from Wyoming and when they tried to get her into the trailer, she went berserk and literally refused to get into that trailer.
Gracie saw the commotion and came rushing out, and she was only 9 then, she didn’t say anything but she immediately was heartbroken. And Mariah saw Gracie watch in horror, so Mariah knowing her friend rushed to her in fright.
From that day forth, Mariah was Gracie’s horse… no one else’s. Rarely did she allow other members of the family to ride her.
Ever since Gracie first was able to interact with her family as an infant, she was born to ride horses and act…
She acted ever since she was 4 years old in her school plays, and other drama functions during the summer. And now in her sophomore year she still adores acting, becoming another person… especially Shakespeare characters or other classic stage characters.
And now as summer is ending, she has the chance to audition for her school play this year, and for a much bigger part than she has ever received. As this girl struggles to keep her grades up while helping prepare for the play this year another surprise is arriving, she soon discovers that scouts from Hollywood are coming to have auditions to find some “new” talent.
Luna tries to convince her friend to do it, but fails, being that Gracie has no interest whatsoever in becoming a movie star and being followed everywhere by those annoying pests called “paparazzi”.
As the auditions for the play come closer Gracie’s mind has to be elsewhere, but one day she comes back to get her backpack and the whole theater is empty. She decides to practice on the real thing for the auditions, but a surprise is waiting outside in the hall.
Gracie realizes that she is no where near as good as the other kids that she has heard saying their lines in the hall of her school, she decides that the only thing to do is to wait.
But she can’t help thinking, will she get the part?
A woman outside the theater pulls out her phone and quietly sends an email to her boss that she has found the act they have been looking for…
What does Gracie’s future hold for her? Only God knows my friends…
Anywho, I gotta go... I'm gonna go eat somethin' and then try to get some sleep... nappy time for Jazzy... z z z z z z z....
~Jazmine O.
Link to my "End of time" blog:
wow, you've got a wild yg... mine is wild, but not quite like that... lol, love the book plot by the way. :D