Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My secret life: Bored....

Don't you hate it when you just can't find anything to do? That's how I feel right now... ugh... its driving me crazy!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and its really hard to BELIEVE that it actually is tomorrow. I swear a week ago it was Christmas last year... :-/ Really unfortnate, I honestly don't wanna grow up. I'm already aging faster than I can comprehend...
The days just go whooshing by me!
Its really hard to believe I'll be in High school in May next year... *sigh* or should I say in just a few months... that fits better then "Next year".
Anyway, I was really bored with nothing to do so I decided to start blogging about my everyday life. Not that its really anything to... blog about, per se. But whatever...
Well, my mom started preparing for tomorrow... I feel like I should start helping more... and thats probably a good idea since I'm unfortnately having a case of writers block again. I know what I want to write but it just seems boring at the moment...
Tomorrow we're having our Christmas Eve party which I really am hoping will be just as fun as last year. Even though I don't have a dress per se that I want to wear, I found a solution to that. I'll be more comfortable in jeans and a nice looking top.
That's proof that I'm really not a girly girl 99% of the time, I'm not afraid to get down and dirty with horses lol.
Dresses are itchy and I hate wearing makeup, even though its a nice cover up for certain blemishes. Ugh I hate acne...
It's not that bad on my face but still it hurts and I really wish that I had a cure for it.
ANYWAY, I've got the whole week off of school... well its almost over now. But this week was pretty fun so far, horseback is getting better every week mainly because I'm in English. And even though I'm really sore after every lesson its totally worth it.
I'm learning every time I go how to handle stubborn punky horses like Loredo. But I really love him, he's probably officially my favorite horse to ride there. Mainly because he's quite nice after the saddling, I don't even have to pinch his mouth to get the bit in.
This is my baby...

Ain't he pretty?? Thats not the best picture of him but thats the only one that I have unfortnately. I think I'll go on a picture spree next lesson.
And I've got to get some pictures of him and me too, and then maybe some with Bailey. And I also gotta get some with Sunny, he's got the BEST canter EVER!
Now I'm all fired up about horses again lol...
Annnywwwayyy.... lets see... I created a site called Just. A. Teen. Author for me and my friends to share our books on which is nice. And yeah...
I'm gonna try to get a couple of my friends together for a sleepover... that'd be cool because then we could watch National Treasure 1 & 2. The second one is SO funny!!!
You'd have to watch it to actually know what I'm talking about but believe me its really funny... and surprisingly its pretty clean to.
Well lets see, the book I've been working on the most is probably "Hearts of Freedom", its a change from what I usually write... considering that the main character is from a guys' perspective.
Its almost time for me to head off to bed so I'm going to post the introduction and then I'll be gone so here it is....

"Hearts of Freedom"

"Horses, guitarist, skate boarder... and originating from one screwed up family. That is unfortnately my life; the life of Josh Karson. Now why in the world I ask you... would any girl even want to be around me? No clue, I wouldn't want to be around me... but hey I'm stuck with this body it's all I got... all that matters to me is my horse Brego, my sisters, my screwed up brothers, and my seperated parents Jayme and Chris."

Joshua Karson is 17 headstrong, and sometimes a bit prideful in his knowledge of how to ride a horse. Other than that Josh is a true christian young man...
Josh is the youngest boy in a family of 6 with only two siblings younger then him, his parents are seperated after his mother claimed that his father was having an "affair" with another woman.
After his parent's divorced his family life pretty much went downhill from there; his mother remarried to a rich man named Troy Warren only 2 months after her divorce, his brother Riley went haywire and strayed far from ever being a good man again, and his brother Jamie decided to mooch off his mother instead of live in an apartment and support himself.
And on top of that Josh can not seem to find a way to keep in contact with his father, with the school year approaching Josh is afraid that he will never see his father again after that terrible incident.
Troy is only married to his mother to mooch off of her and inherit all of their savings, Josh won't have it. And Troy feels Josh watching him and sees him as a threat...
Josh wants to graduate High school and become a singer in Cheyenne Wyoming, but he can't bear to break it to his stressed out mother. Plus, she is expecting him to go to college and become a lawyer like the almighty Troy...
But when his mother unexpectedly invites an online friend and her family to come stay at their ranch for 6 months, he is surprised to find a girl his age with the family... that girl is going to change his life...


  1. Very Cool sweety! I look forward to reading all you future posts. You are growing up very fast....Love you!

  2. LOVIN' it Jaz! Keep posting! UGH! Loredo is so cute! Is he a paint? I can't tell in this pic...
    Also, I love Hearts of Freedom! Keep writing it!!!
