Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Secret Life: Many things...


Lets see, where to start?
Well, yesterday I had a pretty fantastic horse riding lesson :) Got to trot bareback for the first time! :D yay! It was SO much fun, and SO much MORE fun than trotting bareback. A lot more comfortable too, Bailey's fur is SO soft... :)
I definitely want a horse like Bai, he's an awesome horse...
I'm hoping I'll get him for a few more weeks before Corrie changes me again, personally I really hope that she DOESN'T change me. Bai and I do really well together, I've figured out his strengths and weaknesses and I can get him to trot in a circle or reverse pretty easily 99% of the time.
He's really big but really awesome :) The bigger the better lol.
He's definitely gonna be in my newest idea for a book :D I can't bear to pass this chance up, I'm TOTALLY gonna start writing this book today. I haven't figured out a name for it yet but I wanted to do something like "Galloping friendship", "Bridle of the mustang", "Winds of freedom", or my favorite so far; "Reins of Fury"!! Isn't that just fantastic?! I am SO PSYCHED about this book right now, I've got practically all of the plot in my head right now that needs to come out. :D
The basic idea for this book, I forget if I've already wrote this but oh well if I did. The basic idea is that there's this girl named Jazmyn Mariah Stryder (possibly just Mariah Stryder and then a different middle name) she's about 16 years old and all her life she's had no friends except for a friend in 4th grade who moved away just as they entered 6th grade.
But after that she never had any more friends except for the horses at the ranch that she's been taking lessons from ever since she was five years old.
She's the only rider that's been there for that many years that's stayed in her small little hometown of Cedar City, Utah.
Her parents basically have sent her to public school, and private school, and every other school that they could think of except for boarding school. But even in her junior year in high school she's never made a single friend. She's always been completely alone and constantly home with nothing but her computer to chat with her friend Brenda the one who moved at 6th grade to McKinney, Texas.
So the only thing that she really loves is riding, so in attempt to make her last 2 years of High school memorable her parents finally decide to send her to a horse riding boarding school in Wyoming, right near the only large city in that state; Cheyenne.
Thats as far as I got, but I know I'm gonna enjoy writing this. :D I've got a great plot in my head... :) Well I gotta go take a shower and eat some lunch, ta ta!


"Enjoy childhood while it lasts..." -My mom

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Secret Life: Nothing exciting yet...

Well... nothing too exciting is happening at all lately...
Just school pretty much... :/

Sorry I haven't written in a while though. Been busy...
Came up with a new book idea, I've decided to throw aside that acting book thingy. I want to do one about a girl that goes to an academy... :)
I'm not going to post anything on here yet, but I might sometime soon. I haven't got much yet, but I'm really trying to concentrate on my second book in my series of The chronicles of Amerada.
Oh, and the correct pronounsiation for that is: A-ma-ra-da.
After you sound that out, say it all together and you should be able to get it. :) You have my friend Abigail to thank for a new way to say that. I was just pronouncing it the way it originally looks. I LOVE the new way though :) It has a lovely ring to it...
Just like her magical land of Dothtera :D
Its very lovely... :)
Anyway, I gotta go, I still have some schoolwork to do... ta ta!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Secret Life: Extreme fun & extreme exhaustion

Wow oh wow did I have a hectic night... I missed half the action but I stayed up till 5AM and then woke up around 9 this morning. Boy am I tired...
Sorry I haven't written in a while, been busy...
Anyway, last night I went and did a sleepover with my youth group :) That was fun, I was zonked out for at least 3 hours after 5AM though... you know I REALLY don't remember when the heck I fell asleep... lol
I think I just rolled over and literally fell asleep.
We all stayed up late and partied, the meanie boys pranked us though >:P IT was FREAKY! They cut the power and it was so weird, we all screamed a little at first and got all worried.
Then Mistea got 'em back >:) She pretended that there was someone in the backyard after they left, they got all freaked lolz!
Then Abby burst out laughing when she was talking to Carlos on the phone and giggled; "I'm sorry I'm just kidding, its all a big joke..." Lol X)
We were gonna go a little further with that prank and get them to come over here, but that would have gotten us in trouble big time... but the big prank that we came up with that we didn't do was:
We tell Carlos and the boys to come over here and we all go outside and mess up the room like someone came in and leave the door open like someone REALLY did come inside the room. That would have been SO funny!
But we would have gotten in SO much trouble if we did that, oh well... it was fun...:)
We watched movies all night, I was probably the first one to fall asleep I think... erm... no Malia was first haha. And then it was Jen, and then me... everyone else literally stayed up all night.
Caprice is still up with no sleep for the past 24 hours and she was running around with Mistea shooting her with Nerf gun darts lol!
So yeah, it was pretty fun. :-D
I had a pretty good Friday, I'm definitely going to plan a slumber party for my 14th birthday. >:) Just a few friends, probably not that many but it would be fun. Really exhausting but oh well lol.
I gotta plan something later, but if I go to the Winter Campout for youth group that'll do it but whatevs... :) Unfortunately I can't go to youth group this week though >:P Frustrating...*grumbles*
Maybe I can convince my mom to let me go haha.
Well, hmm... oh yeah! I said I was gonna post a plot for a book on here didn't I?! :-D Well here ya go, its not much... kind a confusing but its a start:

"Dear Diary,"

Gracelyn Mariah Stryder; a 15 year old sophomore and the only daughter in a long line of ranchers…

Living with both her parents and 3 brothers it’s quite a full house, but ahappy house in the suburbs of Jackson Tennessee on a thousand acre horse ranch. She attends the local High school and enjoys hanging out with her BFF Luna.
Gracelyn is normally known by her friends and family, as just Gracie.
Gracie really enjoys her riding time with her best friend, loyal companion, and horse; Mariah, named after Gracie by her parents because she has almost the same personality as Gracie. Rebellious, wild, fun, and hard working…
Those 5 words describe Gracie and Mariah in one sentence.Mariah is a dark cherry chestnut 10 year old Thoroughbred mare brought to the Stryder ranch as a rescue from the slaughter house, she bit her last owner causing her a trip to the slaughter house, she was traumatized and in poor living conditions. But with a little TLC and one on one love straight from Gracie, Mariah became one of the family and Gracie’s personal BFF and loyal companion.
All through Gracie’s life she has seen many beautiful horses brought to the ranch either abused to the point that they were aggressive, or so weak that they could barely walk.
But all of the horses they’ve rescued and trained have become beautiful gentle creatures, you could hardly believe that they were abused and neglected before.
Many horses were sold to other families, but one rescue always stayed on the Stryder ranch along with a few others; Mariah.
Gracie and that horse had something special, even though her parents didn’t think that she was spending time with this gorgeous horse, when they tried to sell her to a man from Wyoming and when they tried to get her into the trailer, she went berserk and literally refused to get into that trailer.
Gracie saw the commotion and came rushing out, and she was only 9 then, she didn’t say anything but she immediately was heartbroken. And Mariah saw Gracie watch in horror, so Mariah knowing her friend rushed to her in fright.
From that day forth, Mariah was Gracie’s horse… no one else’s. Rarely did she allow other members of the family to ride her.
Ever since Gracie first was able to interact with her family as an infant, she was born to ride horses and act…
She acted ever since she was 4 years old in her school plays, and other drama functions during the summer. And now in her sophomore year she still adores acting, becoming another person… especially Shakespeare characters or other classic stage characters.
And now as summer is ending, she has the chance to audition for her school play this year, and for a much bigger part than she has ever received. As this girl struggles to keep her grades up while helping prepare for the play this year another surprise is arriving, she soon discovers that scouts from Hollywood are coming to have auditions to find some “new” talent.
Luna tries to convince her friend to do it, but fails, being that Gracie has no interest whatsoever in becoming a movie star and being followed everywhere by those annoying pests called “paparazzi”.
As the auditions for the play come closer Gracie’s mind has to be elsewhere, but one day she comes back to get her backpack and the whole theater is empty. She decides to practice on the real thing for the auditions, but a surprise is waiting outside in the hall.
Gracie realizes that she is no where near as good as the other kids that she has heard saying their lines in the hall of her school, she decides that the only thing to do is to wait.
But she can’t help thinking, will she get the part?
A woman outside the theater pulls out her phone and quietly sends an email to her boss that she has found the act they have been looking for…
What does Gracie’s future hold for her? Only God knows my friends…

Anywho, I gotta go... I'm gonna go eat somethin' and then try to get some sleep... nappy time for Jazzy... z z z z z z z....

~Jazmine O.

Link to my "End of time" blog:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Secret Life: Youth fun X-D

Haha I had fun tonight... ;) Lol

I'm officially a High school youth group member! :D
I think... well yeah I guess I am. :) It was a lot of fun though! I'm totally excited about God now :)
Danny Marsh, the youth pastor. He's awesome! :-D
This weekend they are having a girls night out, now THAT Should be FUNNNNN!! ;D
Mom said I could go, but she has to call first. So yeah, I'm pretty psyched! X-D
I learned so much about God today, even though I can't really explain it... I really did learn something its in my brain somewhere I just can't remember.
But yeah, I'm totally God happy now lol
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna go next week SO Bad! Stupid concert for my parents is next week though...>:(
Maybe I can convince 'em to let me go, I really do wanna go badly... but if I go to the sleepover that should be fun anyway :)
The plan is that we're supposed to go to the church and do a Bible study, and then go down to the plaza for ice cream. And then go to the Marsh's for the sleepover part, which should be F-U-n! X)
They've got a hot tub hehe...
Annnywwayyy... well I gotta go. :) I'll write tomorrow if I can after my Geography class and swimming class. Ta ta : o )


Psalm 30:3
O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to te pit.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Secret Life: Fun fun fun!

Hey, :)

Well, I just got home from Pachangas a bit ago. Good mexican food... but I was really full from starbursts, popcorn, and rasberry iced tea from the movie theater from seeing Leap Year lol.
But yeah I had lots of fun last night and today! :D
I stayed up till 3AM last night, which now I'm getting the consequences haha...
I wanted to take pictures but my dumb camera is out of battery and theres no AA batteries in this house for some reason :(
Oh well, got some pics of me and Abby with my phone lol.
To bad I can't post them though, oh well... :) They are still on my phone.
So yeah, last night was fun. We talked so much lol, and then we woke up at 10 and Abby's all "Hi" as I slowly woke up lol.
We ate pizza for... brunch... lol.
Lotsa fun :D I think I'm gonna do it again sometime, possibly with Caprice too. Depending on if she's up for it.
And I'm definitely gonna do a slumber party for my 14th birthday! :)
Birthday parties are awesome! :D
I can't believe I'm going to be 14 though...O_O Wow... only 2 more years till I get a license LOL.
And only a couple months until SOMEONE with the name of Abigail gets her license maybe...;)
Lol, yeah well... tomorrow I'm pretty excited :D I'm gonna go see AVATAR X) From what I've heard that movie is AWESOME! My aunt Catherine, she went to go see it and that movie came out December 18th, she went to go see it recently and it STILL is packed in the whole theater.
That movie is doing like the best I've EVER seen! I heard from somewhere that its actually almost ready to be as great as the Star Wars Saga... *nodnod*
Its shocking!
I'm pretty excited to go see it :)
BUT, now I've got a really good idea for a book. Since I had such a good time doing acting, which I highly doubt I'm gonna follow through with this book but... I had an awesome idea for a girl that's been acting since she was 4 in her school plays.
And I just came up with the perfect name a couple seconds ago :-)
Gracelyn Mariah Stryder... or maybe the other way around... I LOVE both of those names SO MUCH. X) I'm so excited!! I THINK I'm gonna start it tonight... but then again I should probably work on my other
Well I gotta go I should go get ready for bed :) Ta ta! :D

I might post the rough plot later :)

"To write simply is as difficult as to be good." -Somerset Maugham

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Secret life: Waiting, waiting....

Well, right now I'm awaiting my friend Abby to arrive... shes a little overdue and I'm trying to be patient but every time I look at the clock its barely even a minute past when I last looked at it... so yeah I'm being impatient. Thats a horrible habit I've created for myself :-P
Abby is coming over for a slumber party, which she should be here soon. I'm hoping...
Her ballet lessons got over at 6:30 so yeah... she'll be here soon. Just be patient...
lalalala.... dumdee dah... yeah...
As you can see I'm really bored... lol
I read some things I needed to catch up on, and now I'm sitting in my living room with my cat Annabelle curled up next to me sleeping and I am blogging with my laptop... yup.... pretty exciting huh? Lol
Its really quiet... kind of funny how quiet it gets when the boys are sleeping... especially on days where they are really hyper.
Which as I found out after I got home from horseback they were being rather annoying to my mom, yup... boys are that way sometimes...
Horseback went pretty well today :) My legs burned but thats normal for an hour and thirty minutes at Field of Dreams with Corrie teaching LOL
Trust me, you get used to it after a while. But she's not doing it maliciously, she does it to get our muscles going... especially now for my class because we JUST quit riding English and went back to Western. Which I gotta admit, its a lot more comfortable and more "relaxed" if you wanna put it that way then English.
You constantly have to post in English! Unless Corrie says "Sitting trot", then you just sit... so yeah :D
Its lots of fun, hopefully someday I'll get to get a job there. Depending on where I go to college, I will probably keep a job there. Since thats the only place that I can somewhat stand to be, but that all really depends on how much she pays her barn managers/employees.
Which I don't need to worry about that yet because I got a couple years before I turn 16 and of regular hiring age...:)
Horsie land is lots of fun, I got to ride Bailey today. He actually corroperated to my surprise... he's usually a big pain in the butt. Well during saddling anyway, but usually with riding he's pretty easy.
But next week I've GOT TO write myself a note saying "get a bigger saddle" when riding Bailey, ouch... the western horn thing part was digging into the inside of my legs. Really uncomfortable... especially loping with him.
He's got the worst canter ever >:P But he's an awesome horse :)
But the only reason I think that is probably because I've ridden Sunny... and he's the rocking canter horse at FOD.
He's got the most smoothest canter/lope ever! :) I was so sucked into loping once that I was actually not even noticing how fast I was going... I just was into it lol...
Anyway I gotta go, Ms. Abby is here :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Secret Life: Drama Friends and fun... Part III


OH YEAH! Tonight was a SUCCESS!!!!! :D
The performence went FANTASTIC everyone did a fantastic job, I'm pretty satisifed at how I did :) Even though I choked up on my words I know that this is my first REAL play thingy, and plus even the pro's mess up sometimes.
And also they get REAL nervous too, but I wasn't have as nervous as Josie... boy oh boy was that girl fired up 2 minutes before the show!
She was talking so fast all heard was "blalalalababalblablablbal!" she was hyperventilating because her mother invited her grandparents her dad her brother and her friend.
But she actually did pretty well for someone so nervous! I thought she was going to break down crying and forget her lines, she missed a few and then she freaked out saying "Rachel is going to be SO mad!" She was almost in tears...
She ran away from Rachel but Rachel was completely excited about it she was so happy with what everyone did! :D
She was jittery with the lights though unfortnately, she flashed the lights off to early once but oh well.
Everyone did a great job though, I REALLY want to pursue acting at least in plays. I definitely am SO not quitting on my writing dream, I'm still going to try everything I can to get one of my books published for sure. :D
But now I definitely know what I wanna major and minor in-in college; English literature, and acting! yeahhh......
Totally a go for me! booyah!
Anyway I gotta go bedtime ta ta

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Secret Life: school school school, drama craziness hehe...;)

Hello peoples! :D

Well, I just got back from AWANA. Which was surprisingly pretty good, it probably helped that I wasn't exhausted lol. But yeah, I got 3 verses done which is good progress... now I just need to catch up with my book... *sigh*
Sometimes I really don't wanna go to AWANA, mainly because I'm the only one in my Trek group. But I still get to hang out with my friend Caprice and then Micah and Brian, and then Wes sometimes too...
Its fun :) Today Micah kept clapping behind me when I wasn't paying attention and scaring me half to death... *shakes head* he's so mean... lol
And he was makin' me lose count on my AWANA bucks too lol. But oh well, thats just him. You get used to it after a while ;)
And tonight is the eve of my performence, I'm a little nervous and stressed... but hey I'm sure it'll go fine. :) Besides I'm up there with all my friends, what could go wrong?
...ok yeah I know what your thinking "*laughs* famous last words..." I'm HOPING that nothing will go wrong. I mean even the pro's mess up sometimes... I know that for a fact. No one's perfect, only Jesus was and is perfect.
Sinless and without blemish :)
I wish I was with out blemish on my skin... :P It gets annoying, thats the magic of bangs though... it covers it up hehe.
I'm not allowed to wear makeup yet, not until I'm 16, MAYBE 15 my mom says. But I'm fine with out it, I'm much more comfortable with out it. Plus it kind of hurts when I wash the eyeliner and mascara off... it stings. >:P
I'll have to put some on tomorrow but it shouldn't be to bad, I look quite different and more grownup with it lol.
Not that I wanna be more grownup, I mean that I look somewhat better with it on. But that really depends...
For my performence I'm putting on a minty green color of eyeshadow mixed with white and I want to make it look a little doofy like my character Emily is from high up in her social status. Because she's so straight and up forward and snippy, I picked out an awesome outfit for her too! X)
Its going to be SOOO much fun! :D I really hope my teacher will do a party on the weekend or something like bowling or just pizza so we can just hang out, that would be awesome. I'm thinking about doing one anyway next weekend or something... depends. Maybe she'll just do something after the play :)
Well anyway, I gotta go ta ta I'll write tomorrow after the performence if I get to it!


John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Secret Life: Drama friends and fun Part II


Well! Today is the day of dress rehearsal for our 40 minute play :-) Its pretty exciting, and its been really fun acting and stuff but the Theater class this year is gonna be on the day I do horseback... and so yeah...
I really enjoy acting, but I really don't want to quit horseback. But I guess if God leads me away from acting, maybe its not my path. But I would like to try acting in the future, it would be a lot of fun. And really awesome even if I got to do acting on Broadway :-D!
My cousin Arty is actually in New York right now acting on Broadway as far as I know, he graduated High school and followed his dream and hes doing it! :-)
I probably will definitely pursue writing though, thats for sure.
And probably acting, or photography on the side. Acting is really hard though, you have to search hard for acting jobs... :P Well when the time comes I will choose my path, but write now I think I'll stick to writing.
Anyway, yeah today is dress rehearsal. And hopefully we'll do it all good today, usually the rehearsal is worse than the performence though. This'll be my first time acting on a stage, but in the beginning of this class I was constantly nervous about getting up and acting in front of everyone in the class for that class.
But I got much more comfortable with it over time :) So I think that problem is solved. Well I gotta go and get ready to go to class soon so ta ta! :D


Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Secret Life: Earthquake!!!

DUDE! Yesterday was literally THE MOST scariest day of my life!

Yesterday; January 9, 2010 at 4:27 PM (Pacific time zone)
A 6.5 level earthquake hit about 20 miles off the coast of Northern California. Scary!!! DUDE that was such a shaker! You would not BELIEVE how bad it was...
No one in our vicinity got hurt badly that I know of, there were only knocked over bookshelves and a couple shattered windows here in Myrtletown.
A few things were knocked over in our house but nothing majorily bad... thankfully.
It was so freaky, after my fall off Lovie I was really sore all over yesterday so I just layed down on my mom and dads' bed and decided to have peace and quiet and just watch some TV, I started watching the end of "Groundhog day" and then suddenly as the main character Phil kissed his girlfriend there was a HUGE rumbling noise; half a second later the bed literally started rocking back and forth like I was in one of those rocking cribs.
And trust me, that bed doesn't move easily...
I froze solid not knowing what to do and thinking "wait, is this an earthquake?!" finally I knew it was an earthquake when the TV almost got knocked over on its side and went completely fuzzy like I had a bad connection.
If that's not scary I don't know what is!
My dad called my brothers and I outside so of course, I shot out the door like a rocket outside completely terrified.
It was shaking just as bad as it was outside! WOW
Biggest- and I mean BIGGEST- earthquake I've EVER experienced. I almost wanna say that this is the next worst one compared to the one that hit 50 somewhat years ago, completely destroyed Crescent City... it's about 3 hours north of my house I think.
It's the longest one I've ever seen too, the reason why I probably froze is that in the back of my head I thought it would end in a second but it didn't... it kept going...
Freakishly scary day...
Now the really funny thing is, you'd think a 6.5 would have a tsunami warning... nope... *rolls eyes*
And the reason I roll my eyes; a few years ago before I moved to Myrtletown I lived in Arcata and an extremely small earthquake that lasted about... a second... if that.
I barely felt it, but it was enough to get our attention. The house just wobbled a little and then it stopped, now the most stupid thing happened...
They actually put out a tsunami warning!
We watched in amusement as families around in our neighborhood started packing and took about... ehh... 10, 20 minutes to pack their cars and leave. Now if a REAL tsunami would have been coming... they would be dead.
My mom said not to worry, so I didn't. That is when we lived in the flatlands of Arcata, literally only a few miles from the bay. We could drive in 5 minutes or less and reach the bay, pretty easy.
It's just so dumb how that tiny 4. something earthquake back then got a tsunami warning and this one didn't, people were all waiting though I could tell. This one I will admit I was a little worried about, but I actually didn't even think about a tsunami until I was listening to the radio with my mom about 2 hours later... lol
They were still waiting for a tsunami! Come on!!
It would have gotten here within minutes, even SECONDS! It was only 20 miles off the shore... lol
Well anyway, I didn't witness some of the crazy events that happened yesterday but I heard OF them.
Everyone has their own story, but I got mine too.
Okay, first... my mom's story:
My mom was driving around town and suddenly the car started wiggling back and forth- hard- like she just ran over something and blew a tire. She thought exactly that, but she saw all the other cars doing the same thing so she pulled the car over and stayed IN The car like a smart person instead of the other people that kept on driving.
Suddenly she saw a couple of power lines snap across the street and then the building behind that start sparking,  I think she called 911... possibly. I'm pretty sure she did but she was pretty scared, she thought that building was gonna blow up.
Yesterday kind of reminds me of that movie "2012" lol. Except the ground didn't split open and create the second grand canyon within 3 minutes...
It was really hectic yesterday, which reminds me of one more thing that I heard from my friend Abby: The mall here, it has a ton of glass windows and its huge! Probably about as big as a Walmart in a big city or something like that...
But it has tons of awesome unique stores inside it :-) I've lived here all my life and there is SO many awesome stores that have so many neat and lovely little trinkets. Its really fun to go there with my friends just to hang out... :-D
But anyway, all the glass windows actually shattered!
Now the mall is closed and it has tons of gas leaks :-( I was thinkin' about maybe going there sometime this week... but that probably won't happen...:-/
Anyway, I gotta go its 8:20. And I think I'll work on a scene for my book I'm doing for school that I finished half way for tomorrow... ta ta! God bless... :-)


Friday, January 8, 2010

My Secret Life: Fell off a horse!

Hey, this is going to be a short post cause I gotta go to bed soon... but yeah...
Today was pretty interesting. I fell off a horse... and trust me it wasn't too fun. :-/ My back still hurts and I'm extremely sore, and I think I'll probably be sore for at least 3 to 5 days... blech...
It was really weird falling off a horse... but the really funny thing was Lovie (the horse I rode today) he freaked out for half a second and jerked to the side (making me fall), and then he just stood there and was completely calm.
It was really really oddballish...
And funny, Lovie is a sweet boy :-] I'm not sure who is better though, Loredo or Lovie... I like them both, probably Loredo though lol. Anywho, bye gotta go its 10o'clock now :)
I'll write tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get a ton of writing done too... maybe convince mom to get easyedge to go I wanna do facebook on my phone hehe...
Ta ta :)


"Don't just sit around and wait for something to happen, go out there and do your best to MAKE it happen..."
-Leslie Oceania (Forgetting everything "The Chronicles of Amerada")

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Secret Life: lala...

I am quite happy right now :) I had a pretty fantastic day, it was pretty normal but I'm very proud of myself. I got a huge amount of writing done in "Forgetting Everything" the sequel to TWW. And I wrote down tons of ideas that I had stored up in my head on the little program called "notepad" on my computer.
Just random ideas, not necessarily scenes or like... the book but just ideas like: "Leslie takes a horse ride" thats just an example.
My mommy and daddy's anniversary is today :-D Happy Anniversary!! Celebrating 15 years... which means I will be fourteen in May... holy beans... wowo... I swear I was only celebrating dad's graduation from HSU a week ago... lol
Scary... unfortnately my bdays gonna be on mothers day this year... ugh. I mean its good but then it isn't, its confusing but I just don't like it when that happens. Yes I wouldn't be here with out my mom, but I also couldn't physically be here with out my dad either.
Unless God decided that mom was the next virgin to give birth through immaculate conception... lol
But yeah, I had a pretty good day. :-D Tomorrow is horseback, and hopefully I'll be able to get my school done within a reasonable time. And unfortnately I will be going to bed within minutes, and I want to brainstorm tonight for FE.
That would be FANTASTIC, I really want to get at least half way through this book before my birthday... its a big goal but hey. I need to brainstorm, I'm determined to make it bigger than 300 pages, that would be awesome. But it took a little over a year I think to finish TWW, and I took a long break from it. But somehow I managed to make it 300 pages long, and probably plus some once I edit as much as I can of it.
My big goal is to make it at least 450 pages, if not 500... that would be SO good... but then I gotta save some sort of ideas for the next books too. So at least 300 pages, but I'm going for at least 400. And any more than that would be FANTASTIC!!
And I got a cool new phone :-) Its not too fancy but its got a camera and I'm happy about that hehe... anyway I gotta go. I wanna do something besides blogging, ta ta!


Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Secret Life: Back to AWANA

Well, I'm back from AWANA. *sigh* Rough day for me kind of, I woke up at 8AM turned off my alarm and rolled back over and slept for another hour lol.
But I got all my school done within a reasonable time though :)
But now I'm back from AWANA club, it was fun... I guess... well yeah it was fun. But I'm really tired right now so that affected it, and plus I'm suddenly magically 4 sections behind. When I thought I'd at least only get 2 since I missed a week because I was sick... go figure...
So now my spirits are down again, what is it with all this negativity? Its really annoying, it can't leave me alone for 12 hours. Its beginning REALLY start to bug me...
School is tough, I'm behind in AWANA, and I'm behind in math... what next?
I WOULD like to graduate High school... ughhhh
Everything is bothering me right now, I'm happy and then I'm not. There's this movie "Legion" coming out, guess what its about?
A fallen angel named Gabriel that uses machine guns. And he's supposed to protect what I take as the anti-christ baby growing inside of this woman FROM God's wratg.
Now that just makes me sick...
#1: Gabriel is supposed to be the exact same angel that told Mary she would give birth to a baby and call him Jesus.
#2: This world is so screwed up that they have the nerve to make this movie. I know that books have been written like this before, and movies have been made like this too. But seriously... this is way to far... its almost to silly to even considering going to watch it. Angels... machine guns....?????? That makes no sense........ 

Now what's REALLY disturbing is that I read that a bunch of people are taking this as a good thing that this "savior" will save us all. But I guess it's just Satan's way of rubbing it in the faithful servants of God's faces saying; "Hahahaha! I'm going to take millions of people into hell with me and theres nothing you can do about it, HAHA!"
And Satan's way of deceiving all non-believers... right now I'm probably one of the most confused teenage girl's on the planet. Ugh.... my head is spinning with questions!
That movie "Legion" is not only a non-godly movie (not that most movies are really God based) but it's a horror/thriller film... it looks really creepy...
Now what's really weird is that it sounds almost 100% exact to the plot for "The Terminator"... a baby that's not born yet and its gonna save all of humanity from the evil robots that invade earth.... just a little bit weird...
Except this one is basically someone going straight up to God and staring him straight in the eyes and saying: "I hate you and I'm never ever going do what you tell me to do, so I'm going to make a movie and tell everyone how horrible you are..."
If that were me I'd think twice about doing that... just for the fact if I was a non-believer that I knew about God and that he was the all-powerful... I'd definitely think twice... he could squish me to dust if he really wanted to.
"Legion" really got under my skin today and made me quite angry... I think I've got a temper problem which its pretty obvious most likely but I really just hate it that this world is so AGAINST God. I'm SO confused right now........
Well enough of my bantering, this is probably boring you. But all I know that I can do and for all of you, is pray pray pray pray pray...
I was crying in the van on the way home, yes... I am scared... that is a fact.
But I have faith that God has his arms around me and that he will put a wall around me so that no evil can penetrate into my body.
Anyway, I gotta go... I should get some reading and screwing off time in before my bedtime which is in about an hour. Bye...


Jeremiah 5:3-4
O Lord, do not your eyes look for truth? You struck them, but they felt no pain; you crushed them but they refused correction. They made their faces harder than stone and refused to repent.

I thought, "These are only the poor; they are foolish, for they do not know the way of the Lord, the requirements of their God."
Revelation 12: 1-5
A great and wonderous sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.

She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.

Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven head and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.

His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.

She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.
And he shall come like a thief in the night...
-Jesus coming back (From the Holy Bible, in the book of Revelation)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Secret Life: Drama friends and fun Part I


Lots of fun today :-) School actually went pretty good, I still haven't done my OYAN school yet but I'll get to it eventually.
Today I finally got to go to drama class again! :-D It was so much fun! Every week is always a blessing and so much fun being around all of them, even though its really loud and crazy its a lot of fun... even though its kind of embarrassing doing one particular scene with my classmate Troy.
ITs nothing innappropriate or to embarrassing but its just this short scene, and its kind of weird... and hard to explain...
But acting overall is very fun, I wish I had a more dramatic part because I think I'm better at that. My part is still good though... I don't know if I could do Harry though. My friend Wes has that part; Harry is this really loud ex-navy guy.
Wes does an AWESOME job playing him though, I think he fits perfectly for that part.
Unfortnately this drama class won't be around anymore come next week :( The performence is next week, which I am honestly REALLY looking forward too. It should be totally awesome! :-D
I hope I can get some pictures of me and my co-stars, it should be a lot of fun. And hopefully they'll all be copartive and let me take pictures too lol.
I think I honestly want to pursue acting in the future, just for the fun of it. Its a lot of fun because we get to be goofy all week, even though sometimes my classmates really don't seem to like doing it sometimes because it's "boring". But most of my class loves being there, or at least that's how they show it...
ANYWHO, I gotta go and do OYAN. I'm really looking forward to the next week :-) I'm gonna go see "Leap Year" with my friend Abby which should be very fun, since we're doing a slumber party the night before. I hope we'll have fun...
Well TA TA for now!


Monday, January 4, 2010

My Secret Life: Back to school...


Well, today is Monday January 4th, 2010... and I still don't have a dang calandar...:-/
But I'm back doing school again, speaking of school I'm still not done with it. But at least I'm done with science and math, my worst and hated subjects. Once in a blue moon do I actually enjoy science, and try once a year when I enjoy math. Blech....
And probably not even that much for math, ugh...
Anyway, today was a moderately good day. Somehow I managed to keep my raging hormones under control when I was trying to figure out math, I had an argument with my mom over subtracting decimals because I didn't watch the video for the lesson.
Which I still need to do... but it I knew it couldn't be any different from adding decimals. I got that immediately, the only difference between decimal addition and regular addition is there is a little dot at a certain point.
It's honestly a little bit easier than fractions, this happened to me when I was learning multiplication. I went through that whole book with a lot of struggling, and then compared to division... the division book was ten times easier to get than multiplying.
But I know both of them now and I can do any sort of problem like that with no problem. Even if its really big, it takes me a bit but I can do it. Like 6,985 x 9,248, THAT will take me a bit. Huge numbers like that....
I can't imagine what algebra will be like... blech...
Anywho, besides that my back is aching again. My hamstrings are getting to tight, and I need to stretch them. I just did a few minutes ago but the motrin is helping take the pain away from my back, usually if I stretch my legs really good one day the pain stays away for a while and then it comes back again.
Right now I'm quite into Taylor Swift, I'm listening to "Untouchable" by Ms. Taylor right now actually. Its a nice slow romance song... the only thing that kind of bothers me about her music is that she repeats the same notes a lot.
But I still love her music :) Much of her music is really good, only a couple are really ehh...
The lyrics are awesome though, they have a lot of meaning to them. She's really good at coming up with things like that, and 90% of her songs are written by her.
She had a rough childhood with friend problems in Jr. High and High school, from what I hear in her songs thats what I think happened. Like a song called "The Best day", its basically a song of her whole childhood.
Its really a lot about her parents and her lil' brother.
Its a really sweet song... I really think that a relationship like that is important with your parents. I think that probably reflects in my books, even though sometimes the main character in my book is really sometimes kind of rebellious against his/her parents it's for a good cause.
Its basically a gut feeling or something like that, like Leslie from my book TWW she follows her heart most of the time and wants to do what's best for others. Barely is it ever for herself, but she still DOES do things that are for herself.
Or another example is Josh Karson, he's from "Hearts of Freedom" (HOF).
He is extremely concerned for his family and mainly his mother who has gone down the wrong path and fallen in love with a bad man who is very deceiving.
So yeahh....
Well! I shall stop this blog post for now, I have some writing to get to for FE the sequel to TWW. :) And possibly some editing for TWW, and then maybe some HOF writing... hmm... as you can see I have many things to do.
So TA TA for now! :)
Peace out!

--Author in training--

My other blogs:    ~End of time~
(action/drama/romance/family/fiction)    ~Hearts of Freedom~ 
(drama/family/teen/romance/fiction)    ~The World Within~
(teen/fiction/friendship/romance)   ~Dancing Hearts~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Secret Life: Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! :-)

Nothing really exciting per se' has gone on lately, its January 2nd 2010 though! I'll be doing my play soon though hopefully! :-D Drama starts up again on Tuesday which is awesome...
Plus school, bleck... school is definitely something I would love to not do.
But I spent my iTunes giftcard! Got tons of music, definitely one of my favorites is Josh Groban's first album "Closer" :-)
Its a great album, got a couple of songs that definitely fit into Leslie and Skyeler's relationship in my book The world within.
I'm trying to come up with new ideas for the sequel to that book "Forgetting Everything" its supposed to be a really intense book filled with quite a bit of emotion having to do with some events that take place in TWW.
And definitely some romance mixed in-in FE ;-)
But I want the second book definitely to be mostly action and friendship, instead of romance. I love writing romance scenes, and I will admit I think I've honestly gotten a lot better at writing stuff like that. Its hard sometimes, but usually in the end I come up with something really good.
Forgetting Everything... I'm definitely going to gear up towards an adventure/drama book. And then maybe a little romance mixed in for texture... haha listen to me I'm starting to sound like a chef lol.
Hopefully the editor I sent TWW to will get back to me soon on whether or not she says it is good enough to be published, I'm trying to edit TWW my self mainly because the beginning is really low key and weird looking and I did the first couple chapters and just the description that I added, it really did an amazing job changing it into a more complex book.
I'm still not done editing it, but hopefully I will be soon.
My new year resolution:


And definitely not start any new books unless it is a sequel to the book I was writing, I'm really really proud of myself that I finished TWW last year. Its my best book yet and I really hope that I can get it published so I can share it with more then just my family and friends.
I need that sort of critisizm from other people that I don't know very well... if you know what I mean.
I need someone to tell me how good my books are that I don't know at all even, just so I can get someone else's opinion. To be honest I really think I need it, I feel like I'm not doing well if I don't get that "other opinion".
Which its really hard now that tikatok is no longer a "share your books" site...*grumbles* They're being really stubborn and not telling me when they are ever going to put it back up. You won't believe how angry I was when they took away the book sharing!!
It still makes me angry that they did that, I don't even bother logging on there anymore. Though I know sometime when I finish editing TWW, I WILL go on there and put my whole book on there so then I can order it in hardcover or paperback so I can have a nice copy like that.
That's the only reason I am still a member of that lame site anymore.
Me and my friend Abby were quite upset when that happened.
Well anyway, what I've been doing most of lately is pretty much hanging out enjoying my Christmas presents. :-) And the book I've probably most recently worked on is definitely "End of Time"...
I'm only writing it on google blogs, which is interesting... but I think I'm going to back it up on a Microsoft Word document sometime. Just so I don't lose all of it, its a really neat book. Please feel free to check it out, I'd love to get some feedback on it.

Click on the link and it should take you right to it. Please email me, send me a message on facebook, or comment on the blog if you have a google blog account, I would LOVE feedback on it. Please do...
Here's a short little blurb of the book:

End of Time
By Jazmine Ortiz

Many times... I have forgotten that there is a God. When I know perfectly clear that there is one; and he is in control of everything that happens on this planet.
Many times... people forget to acknowledge that one crucial fact; that God is in control. Many people I know deny that there is a God, and trust me it saddens me just as much as it saddens you.
But as I grew up and matured into a young woman, half of the time I thought "Oh there is nothing that can ever ruin my life or anyone else's" and the other half of the time I was humbling myself before my savior.
But on my 13th birthday... I made a terrible mistake. As my breath wafted over the candle flames on my birthday cake, surrounded my family and my two best friends, I made the most stupidest wish any girl or boy could ever make.
I wished that there would be world peace, and everyone would get along. Now why I wished that you ask? I have no idea, and the funny thing is... I believed myself.
I believed that by the time I was 18 the world would be a peaceful place. But I was ignorant of the world around me, so I just assumed that the world was a wonderful place. When in the back of my mind I always knew that something would go terribly wrong, and that tiny little instinct was right.
As I went on with my adult life I never took notice of things that were changing around me, until that fateful day I realized my terrible mistake.
And that my life was about to be changed from a normal one, to a very different and scarred one...
My name is Jazmine, Jazmine Marie O'Neil... and this... is my story...

Hope you liked it :) I gotta go but I hope ya'll had a great year... Peace out homies!
