Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Secret Life: school school school, drama craziness hehe...;)

Hello peoples! :D

Well, I just got back from AWANA. Which was surprisingly pretty good, it probably helped that I wasn't exhausted lol. But yeah, I got 3 verses done which is good progress... now I just need to catch up with my book... *sigh*
Sometimes I really don't wanna go to AWANA, mainly because I'm the only one in my Trek group. But I still get to hang out with my friend Caprice and then Micah and Brian, and then Wes sometimes too...
Its fun :) Today Micah kept clapping behind me when I wasn't paying attention and scaring me half to death... *shakes head* he's so mean... lol
And he was makin' me lose count on my AWANA bucks too lol. But oh well, thats just him. You get used to it after a while ;)
And tonight is the eve of my performence, I'm a little nervous and stressed... but hey I'm sure it'll go fine. :) Besides I'm up there with all my friends, what could go wrong?
...ok yeah I know what your thinking "*laughs* famous last words..." I'm HOPING that nothing will go wrong. I mean even the pro's mess up sometimes... I know that for a fact. No one's perfect, only Jesus was and is perfect.
Sinless and without blemish :)
I wish I was with out blemish on my skin... :P It gets annoying, thats the magic of bangs though... it covers it up hehe.
I'm not allowed to wear makeup yet, not until I'm 16, MAYBE 15 my mom says. But I'm fine with out it, I'm much more comfortable with out it. Plus it kind of hurts when I wash the eyeliner and mascara off... it stings. >:P
I'll have to put some on tomorrow but it shouldn't be to bad, I look quite different and more grownup with it lol.
Not that I wanna be more grownup, I mean that I look somewhat better with it on. But that really depends...
For my performence I'm putting on a minty green color of eyeshadow mixed with white and I want to make it look a little doofy like my character Emily is from high up in her social status. Because she's so straight and up forward and snippy, I picked out an awesome outfit for her too! X)
Its going to be SOOO much fun! :D I really hope my teacher will do a party on the weekend or something like bowling or just pizza so we can just hang out, that would be awesome. I'm thinking about doing one anyway next weekend or something... depends. Maybe she'll just do something after the play :)
Well anyway, I gotta go ta ta I'll write tomorrow after the performence if I get to it!


John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

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